
"Students display positive attitudes behave responsibly and are eager to learn"Ofsted Report

Section 5 Inspection, May 2013. Judgement: Outstanding.
Inspectors observed 33 part lessons; approximately half of these were carried out jointly with senior staff. In addition, the lead inspector walked the academy with the Principal and made short visits to 10 classrooms during the first day of the inspection to observe the quality of students’ personal learning time. Inspectors also observed students during breaks and lunchtimes.

Meetings were held with the Principal, senior and middle leaders, the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Governing Board, two groups of students and the Academy Council. The lead inspector checked responses to the online questionnaire (Parent View). Staff questionnaires were not distributed. Inspectors observed the academy’s work, scrutinised data about students’ achievement, looked at behaviour and attendance records, examined documents used by senior leaders to monitor and evaluate the academy’s work, and scrutinised students’ written work in lessons.

Please click here to download the full report.

Section 8 Inspection, April 2012. Judgement: Outstanding.
Ofsted inspectors observed the Academy’s work, scrutinised documents and met with the Principal, senior and middle leaders, groups of students and representatives of the Governing Board to examine every aspect of Venture Academy life. The Academy was awarded a glowing report praising the day to day running of the school, the quality of learning and teaching, student achievement and the capacity to improve even further.

Standards have risen sharply since opening. In 2011 the vast majority of Year 11 students attained at least five A* to C grades. Based on their well below average starting points and the low standards achieved in the predecessor school, this is a notable achievement. This year, students are predicted to achieve higher standards. The proportion of students attaining at least five A* to C grades, including English and mathematics, increased to 46% in 2011, more than double the amount achieved by the predecessor school. This year, 52% of pupils have already achieved this benchmark which is above the academy’s target. Senior leaders anticipate this will rise further to close to the national average after GCSE examinations later this year.

Please click here to view the full report.
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